In Today’s Marketplace, every company, large and small, needs Video Strategy, Video Content Creation, and Audio Content to get its message out to prospective and existing clients. It must also know how to share news and craft a memorable message. We help with that!
- Media Publicity
- Media Relations
- Media Coaching
- Broadcast Interviews
- Podcast Interviews
- Speaking Opportunities
- Video Creation
- Video Strategy
- Video & Web Production
What’s your story? I mean, your REAL story? Do you know? Do you share it? It may just set you apart. That’s what people need to hear. Don’t know how? That’s where we can help!
How do you present yourself? Could you tell me what your message is? We conduct one-on-one media coaching to ensure you hit all the key points and leave the event or interview feeling satisfied you did your best.
Contact us, and let’s create your messaging to spotlight your business.
Thank You,
Maureen E. Famiano
CEO, MEF Media LLC (
+1 (813) 495-0663 (Mobile)
Visionary of the Year Candidate - Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
Visionaries look to the future–and see infinite possibilities.
They challenge the status quo–and make the impossible possible.
They boldly imagine a better world–and lead the charge to create it.
Lutz Magazine - Maureen Famiano
I’m Still Here!
Maureen Famiano
Motivated Advocate – Story Teller – Friend
This Lutz resident is running off, advocating, and staying motivated
to lift others. She believes she’s still here for a reason. We’ve seen
some of those reasons. We know she has more to do
Once you have your video and audio content, how do your potential clients “Discover” them?
MEF Media can help you create and execute a Media Strategy, including choosing the right platforms to reach the broadest range of potential clients at the best price points.
Let’s have a chat.
Getting the media to notice you require a specific media strategy. How are you positioning yourself? What makes you stand out? Are you sharing what makes YOU unique? These are all essential to get the publicity you need and deserve to put your business in the spotlight. We discuss, develop a plan, and set it in motion.
- Develop an Outreach Media Strategy
- Determine ties to current events, special days, news, and more
- We cultivate relationships to connect ideas and the spotlight.
You get the interview nibble you’ve been hoping for. Now, you must make the most of it. There’s nothing worse than doing an interview, and as soon as it’s wrapped, you think it could have been better. Let us help you prepare and perfect essential media strategy preparation ahead of the interview, leading to a knock on your socks off the interview.
- Investor Pitch Coaching – For Startups
- Communication Consulting – For Athletes
- Media Training – For Executives
- Presentation & Speaking Training – For Entrepreneurs
Package #1
- Kick Off Coaching Call
- 30 minute Phone Consultation
Review Tips for Radio Interviews ( materials provided after kick off call) - Review Tips for Television Interviews ( materials provided after kick off call)
- 30 minute Phone Consultation
- Zoom Training Call with Pitch
- 1 hour video training with Maureen
- Do a mock interview via skype between Maureen & Member
- Include practice drills and reviews.
- Follow Up handouts after training.
- Interview Critique
- Maureen will write a review of one radio interview.
- It will include an assessment of interview dialogue.
- It will include things to differently and include in forthcoming interviews.
- Zoom Follow Up Consultation
- 30 minute video call with Maureen
- Review recent history of interviews and go over issues and opportunities.
- Access to MEF Media Videos for 3 months
- Ability to call or email Maureen with questions for 3 months.
Package #2
- Kick Off Coaching Call
- 30 minute Phone Consultation
Review Tips for Radio Interviews ( materials provided after kick off call) - Review Tips for Television Interviews ( materials provided after kick off call)
- 30 minute Phone Consultation
- Half-Day 1-on-1 In-Person Training
- 5 hour in-person training (Available Only in Tampa)
- Zoom Training Call with Pitch
- 1 hour video training with Maureen
- Do a mock interview via skype between Maureen & Member
- Include practice drills and reviews.
- Follow Up handouts after training.
- Interview Critique
- Maureen will write a review of one radio interview.
- It will include an assessment of interview dialogue.
- It will include things to differently and include in forthcoming interviews.
- Zoom Follow Up Consultation
- 1-Hour video call with Maureen
- Review recent history of interviews and go over issues and opportunities.
- Access to MEF Media Videos for 6 months
- Ability to call or email Maureen with questions for 6 months.
Package #3
- Kick Off Coaching Call
- 30 minute Phone Consultation
Review Tips for Radio Interviews ( materials provided after kick off call) - Review Tips for Television Interviews ( materials provided after kick off call)
- 30 minute Phone Consultation
- 1-Full Day 1-on-1 In-Person Training
- 8-hour in-person training (Available Only in Tampa) In Office & In TV Studio mock setting.
- In office review about what to do in interview settings.
- In studio role playing and mock television interview run through.
- Video clip of mock interview will be provided for guest to take with them.
- Zoom Training Call with Pitch
- 1 hour video training with Maureen
- Do a mock interview via skype between Maureen & Member
- Include practice drills and reviews.
- Follow Up handouts after training.
- Interview Critique
- Maureen will write a review of one radio interview.
- It will include an assessment of interview dialogue.
- It will include things to differently and include in forthcoming interviews.
- Zoom Follow Up Consultation
- Three (3) 5 to 30 minute video call with Maureen
- Review recent history of interviews and go over issues and opportunities.
- Access to MEF Media Videos for 12 months
- Ability to call or email Maureen with questions for 12 months.
Have you shared your business excellence on radio, TV, or podcasts?
It’s a great way to spread your business expertise and share it with prospective clients.
How do you go about this? What’s the right approach?
It all begins with the right pitch. Our MEF Media team knows how to craft a pitch that gets the media to notice.
What are you waiting for?
- How to Pitch
- How Often to Pitch
- Do you Change the Outreach?
- All About Timing
- Use Interviews to Get Others
How do you leave your mark on clients? How do you want networking meetings to go to the next level?
It’s all about presentation, enthusiasm, and hitting key targeted points.
At MEF Media, we can help you prepare a memorable and engaging speech. This includes deliverables that will leave your audience wanting more.
- Events
- Networking Meetings
- Schools/Universities/Athlete Presentations
As you can see from our website’s content, we create videos as part of our core business.
Reach out to me, and let’s discuss your needs and how we can make them happen.
Before making a video for a client, we want to talk with them to understand their goals and definitions of success.
This process is what we refer to as the Mapping Out of Your Video Strategy.
Let’s have a chat.
What does your visual footprint for YOUR business look like? Do you have one? Is your website filled with images? If not, you need to add them. What do you have with a video spin on things? Making prospective clients take notice may be a video away. If you don’t have any, let’s talk.
- Create videos that showcase you.
- Create videos that showcase your why. Get testimonials to share
- Capture visuals to tell your story
- Capture events to share my video.
Let MEFMedia Put The Video Spotlight On YOUR Business!
Lights, Camera, Grow Your Business!
Our Goal is “Getting You Discovered!”
We have placed clients in national, regional & local media outlets. Here is a sampling:
You likely have realized that you need a “Comprehensive Media Strategy.”
TV? YouTube? Podcasts? Radio? Blog Posts? Facebook? LinkedIn?
Which media outlets are right for your business?
How can you measure each so I know my money is being spent wisely?
How do I get content created for each cost-effectively?
At MEF Media, we help you strategize and plan your entire media plan from start to finish.
This is a trend that won’t stop. How you appear on social media is how people perceive you and your business. Simple tips and tricks can take your social media followers and business to the next level. What are you doing? What is your staff doing to engage visitors to your pages, and what are you strategically doing to move the social media needle? The Tips you utilize now can make your business grow tomorrow.
- What do you post
- Should you expand
- Be intentional
- Strategize
- Showcase business and engagements here
Maureen Famino – I’ve been on television for over 30 years. I’m a storyteller, always looking for a great story to share.
Over the years, I’ve enjoyed reporting, producing, and executive producing stories that touch and change lives.
I’m about sharing positivity and lifting people.
What’s your story? I mean, your “real story?” Do you know? Do you share it? It may just set you apart. That’s what people need to hear.
Don’t know how? That’s where I can help!
I Help Businesses with Video & Audio Content Strategy & Creation.
I am an experienced specialist in television production, producing & show creation, program planning & concepts, public relations connections, and media coaching! This includes special project planning, on-location field remotes, and guest relations with various television clients, including politicians, Fortune 500 clients, celebrities, and many more. Social media is vital in this industry – I am spontaneous in taking an everyday guest booking and turning it into memorable viral videos. I have also worked as a reporter and anchor and helped with television guest coaching for on-air appearances.
I am an award-winning producer and creative relationship builder. Relations are essential in this business, and I pride myself on being innovative, eager, energetic, and thorough; I get results.
Revenue is the “name of the game” on television, and I recognize potential revenue projects when I see them. I’ve turned discussions into bookings and brought hundreds of thousands of dollars in new financial opportunities to the stations I’ve worked for. My creativity is limitless, and I enjoy and thrive in the creative atmosphere that turns the ordinary into extraordinary. Those victories are often priceless but have long-lasting reach.
I’d love to connect and help you spread your message and leave a mark. Reach out, and we’ll go from there.
You can pitch them once by email, then by phone or by another email. Don’t overdo if you do you’ll become a pest and producers will not book with you.
- Having received thousands and thousands of pitches myself over the year, I can tell you length does not matter. What does matter is putting the key information right at the top so the producer can quickly determine if it sounds like a good story or not.
Absolutely… If you know a person working in that industry or producer or show has a particular affection for something then it would make a lot of sense to pitch and mention your show knowledge. It also shows you’re going the extra effort to know a little bit about the show. It will go along way
You should keep it brief… In short. The producer does not have a whole lot of time to talk to people they know, let alone those they do not. Make it short and simple to the point.
Don’t cancel – do everything you can to keep it as is. The producer will have to quickly fill that hole with somebody else. It may not be what they wanted. And that leaves a bad taste in a persons mouth to ever use you in the future. Somethings can’t be avoided, things do happen. But do everything you can to make sure the date you agree to, works.
Wear bright solid colors. No clunky jewelry that could rub against the microphone and don’t overdue with makeup, you don’t want to look like a clown.
They can’t. Especially if they’re in a studio and they are a little shiny. Powder will take that shine off of it and keep the audience listening to a guest and not looking at the shiny bald head.
You need to arrive early but not so early that the crew was hardly be at work yet. For television arrive 30 minutes ahead of time is fine. For radio follow the call in directions.
Review the bullet points. Don’t write lengthy answers that you’d like to share. If you do you will come off rehearsed and not conversational.
The morning of the show is very busy… You may be one of seven different guests on the show that day if you are too needy that will not be good.
Yes! I have extensive experience in media relations.
There are 8 primary types of media relations and I can help you with all of them: General Media Relations, Strategic Communications, Community Relations, Public Affairs, Internal communications, Online and social media communications, Crisis communications, and Social responsibility.
The best time to send a press release is between 10 am and 2 pm—this is when editors open about one-third of all the emails they’ve received. Early mornings are less effective: open rates drop to 20.5% between 6 and 10 am.
When responding to media alerts, always do as the journalist has asked. If they ask you to email a particular address, do so. Don’t seek out their number and call or email incessantly. This is a sure-fire way to irritate them.
If you don’t have a digital press kit, journalists can email you for more information. But, journalists are busy, and if you don’t make it easy for them to find the information they’re looking for, they’ll look for it somewhere else.
To start, here’s what usually goes in a company press kit: Company details. Start with the essentials: a detailed company description, brand guidelines, high-resolution images & logos. You can also include relevant numbers or fact sheets in your corporate media kit.
First and foremost, Product demonstrations. Product demonstration videos are among the most popular types of how-to videos. In a product demo, you can showcase essential features and functionality, including proprietary solutions your brand has created.
Yes. Audience is absolutely the most important factor when choosing a social media platform. Nothing else really matters, not even size, if your audience isn’t active on the channel. Facebook, for example, has more active users than any other network, but if your audience hangs out on Snapchat, that’s where you need to be.
Yes! TV is one of my specialties. Lets talk!
Yes! Speaking at events is one of my specialties. Lets talk!
Below are some helpful Books, Videos, and Other Media Sources that I recommend to my clients to learn more about my services and how they can help you grow your business!